Companion app in 2024

So… like so many others, i made a watch face in WFS, published to Google Play and realized it wasnt visible on Android unless i specifically choose my watch in the search results.

So apparently i need to make a companion app, and i spend a lot of time reading posts, watching the video guide here and so on.

But… the guide is outdated, and it is missing info on how to actually make the button open play store on the watch. I am a 100% noob at Android Studio, got no clue what i am doing, so i would need pretty accurate guidelines.

So my question is - is there an updated guide anywhere, or is it possible to make this companion app with any 3rd party software? I made a few games for Android using Gamemaker Studio, which has Android export, but i suspect it won’t be able to make a button which opens play store on the watch, right?

My watch has been on the store 2 days. Will it pop up in the regular search results over time, so the companion app is not relevant anymore?

This is my watch face:

It amazes me how difficult this is. Any advice would be appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:

see here:

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Wow, i can’t believe i missed that post. It looks like exactly what i need, thank you. :blush: