Connect Device ID is in funny letters

When I switched to another Galaxy watch3 from old watch3. I tried to restore my watch faces, so I opened GWS after some while. Since it’s same watch3, I thought I could just transmit my faces to new watch3, but I could not. After I connected new watch3 via wifi and GWS found it, So I redid author certificate then I tried to issue distribute certificate, but for the box: connect device ID, I can see “Galaxy watch3” but when I choose it, the funny characters fills in like “2.0#KMSvTItD0er0WiVu6IfIOMLov4I=”, then I can not have a new distribute certificate, what can I do?

Windows 10, GWS 2.0.0

This funny characters actually are your DUID( Device Unique Identifier), for creating distributor certificate check the guide here.

Hope you know that
You cannot distribute your Tizen wearable app in Store anymore.


Thank you for reply Shamima.
I noticed to that distribution has been discontinued.
Because I re-purchased another same Galaxy watch3 from old because of screen burned. So I just want to re-install my watch faces to my own usage. I could get author certification, but I could not get distribution certification. They stopped issuing distribution certificate for Tizen? Because of discontinuation?

I use Windows10, GWS 2.0.0 Firefox 130.0.1
I tried Edge but I could not.

I tried Tizen Studio and got both author and distribution, but I could not work them on GWS.

if so, I just need to buy a newer google watch and use “watch face studio” to convert old gws files for it.

Officially the distributor certificate creation is not possible with GWD now.

Samsung Developer Program Team

For workaround, you can create certificate using Tizen Studio and use it in your GWS.
Try it! It should work :slight_smile: