Contact Screen Changed - Cannot Add Service?

When clicking on the HELP > CONTACT US tab, a new screen opens where we can select CONTACT US.

However I cannot select a service and therefore cannot open a ticket. The SELECT A SERVICE DROPDOWN is not populated. What am I doing wrong?

I see it.

the only thing you can put in for Service is “Select a Service” it has a match. But you can’t put in the Inquiry type. So you can’t submit

I reported it to the Store Ops team, hopefully they can correct it quickly.


Thanks Ron, I was able to use the old link and still open a ticket so it isn’t critical. But it’s still an error :slight_smile:

Actually, I wonder when it will be fixed. The problem for me now is that I have several open tickets, and I cannot see them.

And when I get a response, it could be many days or ever weeks later, and I have no way to see the original ticket and see what attachments were there. I just received a response to a ticket that they needed the STP and APK files, but I know I attached the STP, APK and CERT files (single compressed file). And I know they got the CERT file because they responded to the rejection… I opened the ticket 6/21 but can’t see it anymore. Now I have to open another! :frowning:

I know that is a different issue.


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