Seller Office Support Page not working

Hi, since 3 days isn’t the Support Page in the Seller Office. There are several Issue due the Theme Validation and we are still unable to Contact the Support. What can we do and when will it be resolved?

If i click on Questions; then i getting these Message

@r.liechty_SDR Can you help about these?

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Did you get any email response from Seller CS support (in Seller Portal) or not even a auto generated response?

Did you also submit via Premium Support Service (PSS) I think that is the preferred method.

Samsung Developer Relations

We cannot even get to the support page - from the portal, click on HELP > MY QUESTIONS and a new screen opens with the error message. The Support page is down.

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The Seller Office Support Page and the Partner Premiun Support Page are down, we get always the Screen. It is not possible to open Ticket :fearful:

Thats why i wrote here.

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I understand now. I’ve reported it to the Seller Portal operations team. Because of time zone differences it may be after this weekend before it is fixed.


Thank you. Have a nice weekend

@r.liechty_SDR Any news? Its still not working. No way to contact the Seller Office or Premium Service Support and Themes gets rejected due an Firmware Issue :sob:

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Hi Alexander,

Hoping for an update Wednesday Korea time.


The Support Page is till not working :frowning:

My guess is that they have been so inundated with support requests related to invalid Fold theme rejections that they had to shut it down completely in order to catch up. I had one request take six weeks before they finally acknowledged it was an app issue.


I’ll put a bug in the NA Store Ops team and ask them to check again.

Samsung Developer Relations

We got an update. There are some changes in the backend that is affecting how the Support system is working, this is why you are seeing the current behavior. While this get sorted out, we got a workaround that will allow you to submit a ticket to Seller Portal CS team.

  1. Go to your Seller Portal dashboard > Help > FAQs or directly to this link: Samsung Customer support
  2. You should see Content & Services Customer Support page, then click on 1:1 Enquiry
  3. You will see a form where you can input information for your ticket.

I apologize for this service disruption, please let me know if you have any other question.

Samsung Developer Relations