I don’t know how useful this might be , but while playing around in GWD I found a simple hack to copy and paste an element.
Select the text/asset/Element hold down the ‘Alt’ key and drag and place that text/asset/Element to any place on the watchface , no need to copy or use control c or control v for copy and paste
Let me know, if this works for y’all or if you can find more hidden hacks /shortcuts in GWD
Hi Malcolm,
I can select any element and then drag that element and place it on the design preview and it works fine. But I don’t know about holding down the Alt key. I tried holding down the Alt key at the time of dragging but it does not work for me.
Hi Azad
To copy and paste, hold down the mouse (do not release).
Then hold down the Alt key (before you move) the text or element,
initially it looks like it is not working, but it will
remember not to release the mouse and the Alt key when you are finally done
Malcolm, what build are you using? I’m not finding this to work in 1.8.1
Are you on Windows? It works for me. Be sure you press the Alt key not Ctrl or Windows key
Samsung Developer Progra,
I am using 1.8.1
Be sure to click the mouse on the element you want to copy(do not release it) then press and hold Alt till the whole process is complete
I see now. I was trying to do from the menu, but the feature already has to be included on the watch face. Works now. Thanks for the shortcut!
You are welcome.
I might have some more hacks
In the future
Thank you Malcolm for the clarification. Now I got it.