Correctly write multiple 'and' conditions?

I wondered about the correct what to write multiple ‘and’ conditions.

Is it:

(cond-1) * (cond-2) * (cond-3)?..


((cond-1) * (cond-2) * (cond-3))?..

Thanks in advance…

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Both of them are correct. But it’s better to use the parenthesis ((cond-1) * (cond-2) * (cond-3))

I have tested with this *(([BATT_PER]>10) * ([SC] >100) ( [MON] > 2) ? 1 : 0) and *((([BATT_PER]>10) * ([SC] >100) ( [MON] > 2)) ? 1 : 0). You can try. Let me know if you find any issues with these.
Thank you.

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Hi Boshra - thanks for testing this out and the recommendation. Yes both ways work like a charm :wink:

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Hi guys . I could not get it to work as it stands . I see a Boolean between the Steps and Month conditionals is missing . Some one not realising that will be confused
I encapsulate Formulas with ctrl+E after selecting them as I was taught by Peter or using the </> above .
I always get very confused with WFS * AND and * Multiply .


Thanks for sharing. That was a typo. The right one is ((([BATT_PER]>10) * ([SC] >100) *( [MON] > 2)) ? 1 : 0)

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I think you wrote it right both times. What Russell pointed out, it is good to mark the formulas with multiple * signs in one row as “preformatted text”, otherwise the page recognizes them as formatting signs and does not display them all.

See, the last portion is italic and missing its *

Either clamp it between apostrophes or select the formula and hit this button


Thank you Peter for the details explanation. I was missing it. Thanks a lot :smiling_face:


It will be intresting while the Topic is running to establish how many Boolean operations one can have on one line . I know we can build lines with many Individual Simple Conditionals .