Detailed Weather, future Weather and so on

Is there a way to make complications for weather like the ones is the digital panel, information board and so on using watch face studio.

When making a complication for weather, after configuring it in the watch, it will only show the current weather and not things like detailed weather or the weather in the hours that follow.



The images above are what I would like to achieve

Is there any solution?

Not currently with Watch Face Studio there may be a complication that has something I don’t know what all 3rd party complications are available.

You may be able to do this with Android Studio and Jetpack or a 3rd party watch design tool.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Ok. Thank you for the quick response!
I will see what I can do.

I came to the forum to ask this exact question, but since it is from two years ago, I’d like to reinforce: this is quite a bummer. Spent a bunch of time designing a new watchface, just to realize I would never be able to include detailed weather as the basic faces do.

What if we don’t like the default Samsung watchfaces, but want to use the amount of information on those weather complications? That’s a whole range of complications we cannot use outside of the Samsung standard faces - sun graph, triple health bars, future weather. It feels like it’s a specific type of complication they don’t allow through the WFS, and that doesn’t make sense at all. It’s not like it’s a specific design (like the tick bars), the whole information source is not available - even though it’s right there on the Weather app, and on a standard-sized complication.

Samsung should revisit this ASAP and add detailed weather, future weather and other complication options to be shown in any long-text complication block, from any watch face. This is not like an exclusive feature for Samsung watches (like ECG), it’s an exclusive… complication… for specific Samsung faces?? Makes no sense at all.

Makes sense when that complication type isn’t available for all the other brands, including Google.

It’s not even available for the Watch Face Format.

Sorry, it doesn’t.

I already bought an entire device from Samsung, why restrict stuff like complications to the standard and basic watchfaces?

This is different from restricting whole health featuresets (like ECG) to another accompanying device. It’s a small add-on to existing software.

Why? What do they gain? They don’t even have extra watchfaces to sell, so they can use those complications as upsell.

I’ve said what I’ve said. You should understand that the tool doesn’t just cater to Samsung devices but to the entire Ecosystem as a whole.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
The Watch Face Format does not support such complications, and this is why it’s not available.

It’s not Samsung you should complain, for giving an edge with their exclusive watchfaces, it’s Google for not making such accomodation to the entire WearOS platform.