Do all of the smart TVs have develop mode?

I went to the Samsung store to buy Samsung smart tv for the tv app development,
but I couldn’t find the develop mode option
is it required to log in before? or what is the problem?

See this page on how to enable Developer Mode on the Smart TV Connecting TV and SDK

For legacy TVs it is a different method but I doubt you just bought a 5 year old TV. :slight_smile: .

Samsung Developer Relations

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Actually, I did not buy one yet
is it all the Samsung smart TVs have the development option??

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Thank you all my friends
I just wanna know
what is the best Samsung smart tv for tv app development
I wanna buy one
can you recommend me?
(with WIFI, HDMI, latest Tizen version and has developer mode option)


I can’t help here, it is too subjective. All the newer Smart TVs have developer options in Tizen platform.

Personally I’d go with something small enough to have in my office and still be able to watch TV on it. (my office is my “Den”) But if you want a bigger one in a different room the only issue is going back and forth if you are trying to run on device and debug something.

Samsung Developer Relations