Emulator problem

Hi, I have windows 11. I’ve just tried to run athe sample of the clock on the emulator but a have encountered the next problem:

Launching the Tizen application…

If you want to see the detailed information,

please set the logging level to DEBUG in Preferences and check the log file in ‘C:\tizen-studio-data\ide\logs/ide-20240322_145153.log’.

[Initializing the launch environment…]
RDS: Off
Target information: T-samsung-8.0-x86
Application information: Id(v0MuDqbU1o.CANALLUZSMART), Package Name(v0MuDqbU1o), Project Name(CANALLUZSMART)
[Transferring the package…]
Transferred the package: wgt stream → /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/CANALLUZSMART.wgt
[Installing the package…]

Waiting for ready to work. Don’t stop the process.
install v0MuDqbU1o.CANALLUZSMART
package_path /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/CANALLUZSMART.wgt
install app failed
spend time for wascmd is [8]ms
An exception occurred
(Installing the package… > Fail)
An exception occurred
Unexpected stop progress…
(6.378 sec)

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-22 at 15.17.09

Does somebody know what the problem is?

Thank you all!!!

If you are developing TV app then please check the TV emulator guide and check if you are missing anything.
TV Emulator | Samsung Developer

If you cannot fix the issue using the documentation then please login to Seller Office TV and put your query in the 1:1 Q&A section.
