Hi, I have windows 11. I’ve just tried to run athe sample of the clock on the emulator but a have encountered the next problem:
Launching the Tizen application…
If you want to see the detailed information,
please set the logging level to DEBUG in Preferences and check the log file in ‘C:\tizen-studio-data\ide\logs/ide-20240322_145153.log’.
[Initializing the launch environment…]
RDS: Off
Target information: T-samsung-8.0-x86
Application information: Id(v0MuDqbU1o.CANALLUZSMART), Package Name(v0MuDqbU1o), Project Name(CANALLUZSMART)
[Transferring the package…]
Transferred the package: wgt stream → /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/CANALLUZSMART.wgt
[Installing the package…]
Waiting for ready to work. Don’t stop the process.
install v0MuDqbU1o.CANALLUZSMART
package_path /home/owner/share/tmp/sdk_tools/tmp/CANALLUZSMART.wgt
install app failed
spend time for wascmd is [8]ms
An exception occurred
(Installing the package… > Fail)
An exception occurred
Unexpected stop progress…
(6.378 sec)
Does somebody know what the problem is?
Thank you all!!!