Galaxy watch designer Weather and calories burned

hello dears , how i can show Weather and calories burned on Bar next to the circle ( How to design a display of the amount of weather or the amount of calories burned in a circle from 0 to 180 degrees ) please help me tnx! like this weather

At this time, you cannot show health and weather information on the same watch face, with GWS. With a future release, maybe!

what is the GWS & are you sure about this ?

Galaxy Watch Studio (GWS) is the free software that people can download for free and design their own watch faces. Faces that have weather and health information are either default watch faces or were designed with Facer or another app.

ohhh man tnx I never thought the word was abbreviated :joy::joy: so … Do you have any idea to display calories burned with a circular bar in 180 degrees?

This forum topic should help :slight_smile:

I designed this for batteries and steps, but I can’t for the amount of calories built in :(((

Use the same as steps but for"sync with" click on Conditions and they use burned calories.

Samsung Developer Program