[GalaxyWatch4][WearOS]칼로리 관련하여


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SHealth에서 Indoor Walk과 같은 Exercise 끝난후 칼로리를 보여주는데, 이는 기초대사량(BMR)이 이미 포함이 된 칼로리인가요?

참고로 아시겠지만 애플워치에서 칼리로를 active calories 와 total calories로 구분하여 보여주고있습니다.

혹시 저희 SHealth에서도 active/total 를 구할수있는방법이 있을까요?


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Samsung Developer Community

this is a question regarding the Samsung HealthSDK,

after you finish an exercise you get the calories, Are those calories included BMR? (total calories), or it is active calories?

just for your reference, AppleWatch after you finish the exercise, it shows active calories, and also showing total calories, so in Samsung Watch4, after finish certain exercise, the value of calories is total calories? or active calories?


this is a question regarding the Samsung HealthSDK,

You can download the Samsung SDK and see the code labs for how to use it.

just for your reference, AppleWatch after you finish the exercise, it shows active calories , and also showing total calories , so in Samsung Watch4, after finish certain exercise, the value of calories is total calories? or active calories?

Not according to Apple Documentation. Like Samsung it only measures and tracks Activity Calories. It probably is Total Activity Calories.

Samsung Developer Relations