GWD: Failed to Create Java Virtual Machine (Mac OS) - RESOLVED

Hey all,

I downloaded and installed GWD today on my Mac running Catalina 10.15.4 today.
Whenever I try to run it, it will give me the error “Failed to create Java Virtual Machine”.
I got the latest Java JDK installed, which is v. 14.

I checked the guide here, and tried to do some of the steps but with no luck. I am not sure, what exactly to do.

Is there any solution to this?

Thank you in advance!

I downgraded to Java SE 11 and it launched!!

Galaxy Watch Designer will not install if you don’t have a Java installed. So the question is do you have the right version of Java installed and is GWD looking for it in the right folder.
You need the JRE Java virutal machine which may not be in the JDK path or you may have a path in GWD from an older installation that is wrong.

The article you cited has how to determine if the Java runtime is installed did you check that and is it installed. If it is and the path in the GWD info.plist
Finally if all else fails. GWD 1.8.x has not been tested on Java 14 I’d try backing it down to older version. and setting that in the info.plist for Galaxy Watch Designer

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