I’m trying to make a simple (if you can call it that) Counter-Clockwise 24hour analogue watch face.
By 24hr I mean 0000hrs at the top, 0600hours to the left (where 9:00 would normally be), 1200hrs(noon) down the bottom where 6:00 would normally be, and 1800hrs on the right (where 3:00 would normally be).
I can’t figure out how to flip the index image to mirror. Would I have to create a whole new image to use as index, or can it be easily flipped?
Also can’t figure out if it’s possible to make the hour hands move only half the amount they would normally (and do only 1 revolution per 24hrs as opposed to 2).
Can someone help please?
Many thanks
I can’t figure out how to flip the index image to mirror. Would I have to create a whole new image to use as index, or can it be easily flipped?
You can’t do it in WFS you would need a different tool to do that. Probably easier to create your own or just have a series of small text boxes that are spaced around the watch face.
Also can’t figure out if it’s possible to make the hour hands move only half the amount they would normally (and do only 1 revolution per 24hrs as opposed to 2).
In your rotation properties for the Hour hand change the 2 time to 1 and change the direction from CW to CCW

Samsung Developer Relations
To filp image try loading the index to tools like photoshop then use transform to flip it.