Inconsistency between wfs and actual display on watch

Hey everyone!

I’ve written a little python script which hands me a string of roman numerals for making a watch face. I’ve wrapped the text around the entirety of the border of the watch to give me my watch face using a curved text object; I am doing it like this since I’m pretty bad with photoshop and such and it seemed like an easy solution to create a 24h watchface with 0/24 o’clock at the bottom. This is how it looks like in wfs:

wfs screenshot

Although after uploading, it doesn’t look like this at all, please have a look:

actual watch screenshot

As you can see there is a huge gap in the bottom (obviously there are hands there as well, but the outer ring of numbers is changed).

Is there any way to fix this? I’m trying this program for the first time, maybe there are some quirks I need to work around.

Much love, thanks for reading!

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I have done the unthinkable…took a screenshot in wfs, turned it into an image and used the image as a background… disgusting

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You may have overthought this.

Add component
Index Setting number 60
i’d simply use curved Text boxes for the 24 hour indicators if you want Roman Numberals

Hour hand rotation is 1 instead of 2 Start rotation at 180


2 mins work.
Curved text is up to you.

Samsung Developer Relations

Oh that’s much simpler, I’ve figured out the hands no issues but I wasnt aware you could pattern the sticks like that! I thought they were kinda for accents… Thanks for the tip, works like a charm!

Also, sorry for tagging you again, is there a way to flip the side that the text faces when curving it?

You can do a lot of things with the Index make 60 shorter ones and 12 or 24 longer ones You can make your own custom image and use that as well you don’t have to use the sample ones.

Have fun designing it becomes adictive.

Samsung Developer Relations

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I’m a bit stumped about the curved text… why does this keep happening? The looks vastly different on the PC vs on the watch itself. My guess is issues with the font but it’s very frustrating :frowning:

not amazing

Seem to me it could be scalling issue.
Watch you using?

If backgound is going to remain black. Just crop your printscreen with 1:1 ratio and use that image as background/ index.

I’m using the Watch 6 Classic.

The screenshot → img background is what I’ve been using but it feels kind of bad if you want to make quick changes to the design

@berni Definitely a scalling issue because the wfs canvase is 450 x 450, and gw 6 is 480 x 480 for example.

So when u have different layers due to scalling from 450 x 450 to 480 x 480 u might have off alignment

I Wonder , i have not tested if you group your text and the index alignment, will they both scale properly. Or u use lock

Alternatively u can try watching this YouTube link see if you could create true index with your text.

In photoshop

I have another method using 24 layers rotating each layer by 3 degrees apart then merge the layer.

I can show a step by step screenshort for first 4 numbers if u have photoshop and is interested. During the weekend.

EDIT: I did some magic for you. I removed the background so in behave as a index



Make an image of the roman numerals and add it as an Index That may fix the scaling issues.

Samsung Developer Relations

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@r.liechty_SDR I think he has issue with creating the image himself , not used to photoshop.
so i gave him links to go learn / and also created a image for him from his screenshots.