How to quick response user's review?

Hello guys,

I receive a lot of reviews in a day and it takes lots of time to reply.

So is there any possible solution to quick response the review like:

  1. Auto response the reply with some condition.
  2. Don’t reload the page after press reply each review

Thank you and have a nice day!

  1. Say Thank You.
  2. Reinforce the Positive.
  3. Pass Along the Compliment.
  4. Tell Customers You’d Love to See Them Again.
  5. Mention Other Products or Services.
  6. Share the Review with Your Team.
  7. Share the Review with the World.


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Reviews are the worst part of managing the account, between having to translate most of them to the page reloading as you mention. The quickest way I found is to pull them up by country, use my phone camera translator to see what people are saying, then paste a generic response in all of them (one at a time!!!). Only have to translate something special if their comment is unique.

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Thank you for your suggestion.

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