Hi all. How use this tag? How convert to time? Thx
Thx. I understand, what is epoch, but I don’t know, how use it in text field to show measure time
There is no Tag for hour_last measured time. The only thing you can do is use a long text complication and open the Stopwatch. Other than that you will probably need to write this with using Android Studio. WFS is a watch face design tool.
Samsung Developer Relations
I don’t understand you. There is [HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME] - tag with epoch time. Problem for me is convert to utc time
My bad my brain read Hour not HR
will give you the minutes since last measured would that do?
Samsung Developer Relations
Thank you Ron. I’ll try
I haven’t gotten the chance to play with it, but is should be something like this [HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME] [HOUR_0_11_Z] : [MIN]
You would need to create two versions, a 12H and a 24H
NVM, this is incorrect.
That would be seconds Ron.
For minutes something like
(([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME]%60)/60)%60 works, but how remove decimal numbers?
I tried (((([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME]%60)/60)%60)-((([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME]%60)/60)%60)%1) but is some incorrect number
This works: ((((([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME])/1000)/60)%60)-((((([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME])/1000)/60)%60)%1))
This works: ((((([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME])/1000)/60)%60)-((((([UTC_TS]-[HR_LAST_MEASURED_TIME])/1000)/60)%60)%1))
That is great. I will request they return that in some sort of human readable time.
As soon as I signed off yesterday I slapped my forehead as I knew I had made an error. I hadn’t even considered if it was more than one hour.
Samsung Developer Relations