Include images from games?


i want to know if its allowed to use images, taken by myself in games for a watchface? Many of todays game have the ability to make photos within the game, using the photomode. I think that shoud be possible to use them in a watchface, because i am the owner of the game an i am the creator of the image, with settings of apperture, exposure, vfx, color grading, vignetting etc .

I ve done already a cool looking watchface with a backgroundimage from a game that i “shoot” in photomode of the game. i also installed an overlay by tapping once to the watchface that shows a text where i mention from which game the foto was taken and that i was the “photographer” an i am the owner of the game. So all seems legit to me, but i am not a copyright lawyer :slight_smile:

Thanx and greetings from Vienna in Austria (Europe) :slight_smile:

That would be the same as taking a photo of SpongeBob from a movie you purchased and thinking you could use that image commercially. When you buy digital content, it doesn’t give you the ownership or IP rights, you typically get a license for self use and nothing more. Nice try though :slight_smile:

Of course, I am not a lawyer so this is my opinion only…

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You are not the creator of the image. Use of that in a commercial application would be a violation of international copyright laws and agreements.

Samsung Developer Team

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OK, thank you for the fast and clear reply/answer.

And when i take a photo with my Sony A7 III from a car, (e.g. at the place of a car seller or in a park garage)…is such a photo, that i made with my cam from a car (that isnt mine) allowed to use? maybe i need the permission of the car owner to use the image of his car for commercial purpose. :thinking:

Cars are special, You can’t show the front or back of a car because the brand shows but you can show the side of a car. You can’t show the license plate of a car or anything that identifies it as someone’s property.

You can’ t take a picture of someone’s house unless it is in a group same with people.

Remember as a watch face seller you signed an agreement to be responsible for any legal action including legal fees defending you as a result of a law suit.


I understand. I havent even gone through the basic signment process but i am very exited of the abilities and creative options the watch and the watch design studio provides :slight_smile: To avoid any kind of legal troubles i collect all infos whats possible/allowed and what is not. When i know whats legit i start the final designing/assembling :slight_smile:

But first of all ive to go through the Watch Face Design Review process, and beeing approved. I ve seen the nex window is in may. enough time to provide all needed stuff and of course the watchfaces. :slight_smile:

Do not use images in the watch seller request. It will automatically reject your request.


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Ok, thanks for this advice Ron! :+1: I wont do that. For now i drop any ideas with images. There are enough other ideas/projects to realize, without any (selfmade or bought) images. :+1:

A final question, because all of my search efforts failed :scream_cat:. Do you know where to get the “official” icons for “steps”, “distance”, “the flame” for kcal, the “battery” or flash symbol for power left… is there an officiall set of icons by samsung or do i have to create them meyself? I like the designs by Matteo Dini and he seems to use often the same icons for steps, battery etc. and of course other creators use them also.

Thank you for your support Ron!

Oh sorry, there is another “final” question left :wink: I saw a watchface with sound and it woud be wonderful to support some animations with sound, but i found nothing on how to do that.

Here is the Video: Samsung Galaxy Watch/Gear Watch Face - Sound Effects Watch Face! Plus 8 Coupons to Giveaway! - YouTube

Maybe that is only possible within deepcore coding inside Tizen, but not with the Watch Designer Tool. In a further update it would be amazing :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :star_struck: to have that option of playing sounds, eg an hourly peep or playing a sound to a specific time every day… as easy to add like the “animation” (sequence of images) :grinning:

The only design resources are for One UI for Tizen developers on this Page no icon images.
There are some icons in the GWS complications and text you can use but there are no official icons these are something you should design for yourself.
Sounds are not part of GWS you’d have to do that with Tizen Studio or a 3rd party watch face designer.


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OK, thank you! :ok_hand:


Thanks for the information keep shairng this type of post.