Your watch face references an image that is not included

Hi! I’m having a pretty annoying issue with google play reviewers

They keep rejecting my watch face with only this sentence:
“Your watch face references an image that is not included as part of your published app.”
and nothing else.

I edited the screenshot a lot of time (like 10) but they keep rejecting.
Any idea?

They are really driving me crazy!
Thank you a lot!

screenshots and RL watch link: circlesync - Google Drive

They may not be referring to a screenshot. My first reaction was that your watchface might try to display an image from a resource (eg, PNG) that wasn’t included, but that probably wouldn’t build.

Could you have omitted to include an appropriate preview image?

It’s also possible that they’re referring to a build as an image, but that’s less likely.

I had a similar rejection because I didn’t show the various color changes in the Wear OS screenshots. I see you only have 4 color versions in your Wear OS screenshots. Maybe just load it up to 8 different ones?


I tried everything but still in the same conditions. I appellaed saying that i do not understand what is the problem in specific and they answered in no time: the issue is…
“Your watch face references an image that is not included”
So f***ing annoying at least samsung used to send video / photo when they rejecting something cause a bug

Tried to answer again, lets see.
This is my first wear os watch face that im tring to publish without a companion app.
Always in wear os I published an app withput companion few weeks ago and everyting was really super easy

Tried but rejected, I have 10 color themes. I tried to put the first 8 themes

Yeah their ambiguity is the icing on the cake at just how frustrating this process can be. I had a series of rejections that simply said “app failed to load upon install” (something like that). It was simply a watch face made in WFS with nothing crazy. They gave me ZERO information and it just kept happening. After some appeals that went no where, I just unpublished the faces, upgraded to the latest version of WFS at that time, and just RE-MADE the watches from scratch. Guess what happened? The watch faces got passed with NO issues and they were EXACTLY the same as the ones that kept getting rejected. Maybe it’s time to cut your losses on that face and just make a new one.