Introducing SPEN To PC!

Hi all Devs!

I’ve developed a simple application called SPEN To PC, to integrate S Pen Air Actions to Windows devices.

SPEN To PC is a free and open-source application designed to seamlessly integrate Samsung S Pen’s Air Actions with Windows devices. Allowing Galaxy users to control their computer remotely using Bluetooth-enabled SPen gestures and actions.

If anyone is interested, all the details are in the following repo:

Since there are very talented devs here, it would be cool if they could add this, as a feature to either Samsung Flow or Phone Link app, as my app uses an underlying architecture similar to those apps. And then users don’t have to download 3rd party app to add some additional functionality.
It took me roughly a week to develop this while having to learn how to develop android apps, so it might take hours for you guys to add this to any of the above apps. Who knows, may be able to release it with the S24 series as an eco-system feature.

Anyhow, if you tried the SPEN To PC, please share your thoughts and feedback below!
Thanks :slight_smile:

SPEN To PC: Air Action for Your Windows Device
Version 1.1 is Out Now!

What’s new:

  • Added support for all the Air Action gestures including swiping and rotating.
  • Check for updates when the app is launched

New to SPEN To PC? Read more about it and try it out from here:

SPEN To PC – v1.1 Update’s UI changes: