[IS_DST] on/off and wearable app complication bug

All watch faces made with WFS 1.4.19 and UP (1.4.20, 1.5.7) are using Watch Face Format.

Recent Galaxy Wearable update version: introduced an issue where it is impossible to set custom complication from galaxy wearable app, all slots are showing “NONE”. This only affects Watch Face Format watch faces. WFS 1.3.13 is using bundled renderer.

I’ve already created support request for this.

I don’t know but sometimes it feels like coordination between Samsung and Google is really bad.

Here, Google reps are confirming the same exact issue and that they will fix it with Pixel Watch app in November. Pixel Watch 2 - Customization of Complication elements not working from mobile app (‘Empty’) [306202747] - Visible to Public - Issue Tracker (google.com).

November comes and Google releases fixed phone companion app.
Few hours later Samsung releases new Galaxy Wearable app update with changelog: fixed the error. What happened? Samsung introduced same error which was there for Pixel Watches for about one month. So, all devs who are creating with latest WFS (1.4.20+) will now be receiving tons of negative reviews because people think it’s watch face error that complications can’t be customized directly from Galaxy Wearable app.

Worse part? We don’t know how long it will take Samsung to fix the issue.

@r.liechty_SDR , do you have some ability to highlight this issue or point at it as top priority? It needs to be fixed urgently, like… really urgently… Request number: #49205
