Is Samsung smart watch support NFC Tag and P2P mode?


I have gone through NFC implementation page for smart watch web app as mentioned here Near Field Communication (NFC) | Tizen Docs but I was later surprised to know that NFC Tag and P2P is not supported by smart watches.

The information was collected from various sources like Device Compatibility | Samsung Developers and Reading NFC tag using Galaxy Active 2 Watch - #6 by viv1583218518.

So now I am confused that if NFC support for Tag and P2P is not there in smart watches then why is it mentioned in the NFC document pages.

One such quote from official NFC document Near Field Communication (NFC) | Tizen Docs is

To receive notifications when an NFC tag or peer device has been detected, register event listeners with the setTagListener() and setPeerListener() methods of the NFCAdapter interface (in mobile and wearable applications). You can use the NFCTagDetectCallback (in mobile and wearable applications) and NFCPeerDetectCallback (in mobile and wearable applications) interfaces to define event handlers for receiving the notifications about attaching and detaching NFC tags and peers, respectively.

Here it is clearly mentioned that wearable app can be used for detecting NFC Tags. I have put the same concern on another similar thread too Uncaught NotSupportedError: Tag is not supported on this device. So now I want to understand what is way forward to implement smart watch NFC Tag or P2P reading or there is dead end and no way to implement NFC Tags using smart watches.

I’m not a tizen developer but looking at the NFC Management I noticed.

The NFC API does not provide methods to directly enable or disable the NFC adapter of the device. When NFC is required, you must request the built-in Settings application to let the user enable or disable NFC.

Is that your issue?

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi Ron,

Thanks for looking into the issue. Problem is not about adapter, I have already enabled the NFC features in smart watch by going into the watch setting.

If you see their compatibility Table Galaxy Watch - Build | Samsung Developers

Then only NFC and NFC card emulation is supported in watch rest NFC tag and NFC P2P is not available/supported . So my question is if I have to built an app which need NFC tag reading then how it can be possible using watch.

I did some research but didn’t find an answer either. I’d suggest you open a Developer Support Request.

Samsung Developer Program

i have created a support ticket and following with the Samsung dev team. Thanks for sharing the link.