Just a tip for PNG compression

Hello everyone, i was getting frustrated with the size of the png files being big in size and especially on animated watch faces where i used hundreds of png images.

After searching i found this little free tool called Pngyu https://nukesaq88.github.io/Pngyu/
where you can batch compress png files and many times make them half their original size with almost no loss of quality.

Some of you might be using it already, i just thought many of you will find it useful.


Hi @tsa1579182323,
I think it might be helpful for others who are currently working on gigantic animated Watch Face.

Thank you for the tip (and link).

May also ask for you opinion, to create a good quality background image for GWS, what is the best Artboard size for Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop and at what “dpi” should the PNG saved?

Your feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I often use this site https://tinypng.com/

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Tinypng is good option for reducing png images. There is one more good website https://jpegcompressor.com/ In this website we can compress various formats of image file such as PNG, JPEG, SVG, TIFF, GIF and many more.