Knox location services help!

Hi all, first time post, looking for help please!

We are using Samsung Knox to lock down some Samsung Note devices for our staff to use out on the road. The profile is a Pro-kiosk mode. These devices only have one web bookmark on the desktop, to a website that has been developed for us. This website is basically a list of customers and addresses. The website list, on a non-locked down device, shows from closest address to furthest away address, based on the device GPS location. However, the list on these locked down devices does not show in this order. I have set the Default Location Settings to ‘On’ in the profile, hoping this would help, but it doesn’t seem to have at all. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get this resolved?

Location settings


Hello Tim,
This forum is for application development related queries. As your query is more like user query, you would get better assistance if you post your query in Samsung Community. Please follow the link:

Thank you.