Latest firmware update - bugs, UX issues

So here it is again. Am I the only one who needs to reply to 1-star reviews because users are not able to see installed watch face in the same way as before?

Why did Samsung decide on this incomprehensible solution? Not only that the newly installed watch face is not visible immediately after installation. Now it’s even hidden in the second submenu! (“add watch face”)

Do I really have to create a complete manual after each new update for the user to know how to install the watch face? Can’t this be solved much more simply?

I’m not talking about the fact that I get 1-star ratings due to that after the new update the user does not see “%” in the battery percentage. I already have so many of these emails that instead of a long explanation I will just write “issue of the latest Samsung software, contact their support”.

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Isn’t it much like installing an app on your phone? When I download an app it goes to the App Tray it doesn’t get put on my home screen for me. But I get your point it is different and it would be nice to have an Apply after the download.
I did get a notification that my watch face had downloaded but I didn’t pay much attention to it. I’ll download another watch face and see if asks to open or apply it.

Samsung Developer Relations