If you specify weather in the LONG TEXT complication of a watchface created in WFS 1.4.20, the icon does not display weather. In addition, there were previously two choices: “Weather” and “Date and Weather,” but now only the weather is available. It seems to have been deleted unilaterally, as in the case of world time. The watchface designed for it brings confusion to the user. Unilateral deletion without a single notice is always a big burden for producers.
LONG TEXT’s icon weather icon mark and make “Date and Weather” available again.
WFS 1.4.20 - LARGE BOX - Long Text
Everything is working fine:
![screenshot_ 9-31-02](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/samsung/original/2X/f/f01eadd2a750313b994555e0780ad858cbd531af.png)
![screenshot_ 9-30-21](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/samsung/original/2X/8/83a4c27261af30b3ba062e03faa4262c50be0998.png)
Can only confirm this on Wear OS 3.5. Hard to say if this is Wear OS 4 related.
Thank you for your answer.
Verified that it does not work on Wear OS 4.
Only available in Wear OS 3.5.
There is still a problem.
I tested it on the Galaxy Watch6 Classic 47mm.
Can you add your issue, to this thread, as well? It seems the developers from Samsung Weather, have made some unpopular changes.
Someone posted here saying it worked correctly with Google weather. It uses the same Weather Channel API for weather as Samsung uses. I think you need to report this on the Samsung Members or General Samsung Community.
Tweeting usually helps too.
Samsung Developer Relations
라지 박스의 경우, 날씨 항목에 아이콘 대신 이미지를 사용해야 되더군요.
웨어4버전에서는 이미지로, 이하 버전에서는 아이콘이 날씨 일러를
나타내는 모양입니다.
일단은 아이콘과 이미지 두 가지 모두, 같은 사이즈로 같은 위치에 위치시키면,
4이상 버전에서는 이미지가 아이콘처럼 작동하고, 4이하 버전에서는 아이콘이 작동하게
하시면 될듯합니다~ 두 가지 다 보이게 해놓아도, 둘 중 하나만 작동하니 괜찮습니다^^
In case of large complications in Wear OS 4, the ‘Image’ works like an ‘Icon’. Use ‘Image’ instead of ‘Icon’. If you place it in the same size and location as the Icon, the ‘Icon’ works in version 3 or 3.5, and the ‘Image’ works in version 4.
오~ 살미즐님 정말 감사드립니다.
당장 테스트 해봐야 겠네요~ 역시!!!