New version (v2.0.0) Issue

Nice, sounds interesting , can’t wait!

I just uninstalled version 1.81_beta, and then downloaded and installed version 2.0.0_beta build 200403. I am using “Sync to Device” for all of my text fields, so I didn’t need to restore any fonts. GWS comes up and I’m able to open a watch face that I created in 1.8.1. However, I have noticed that not all of the Text controls on the Run Preview pane are responsive to the control settings. The Steps (%) and Floor sliders work as expected, but when I enter numbers in the Step Count, Distance, Heart Rate, Calorie, Water intake or Caffeine intake the numbers I enter do not appear on the Run Preview watch face. Those values continue to display zero. I did restart my computer and I am seeing numbers as well as the date, time and time zone. What am I missing?

I couldn’t duplicate this in a simple watch design. The distance of course default is KM and the health panel is m so you have to put a large number to trigger it but everything else worked just fine for me.

Can you try this with just those elements and see if they work?

If they do work with just a few items. make a copy of your project and open it up and remove items until they start to work. Or submit a copy of your project that does this to developer support and we’ll see if it works for us…

Samsung Developer Program

I created a new watch face and saw the same results. I have submitted ticket 23134 on the Samsung Developer portal and included the GWD file and a screen shot of what I am seeing.


For others, support fond the issue. You have to hit enter before hitting tab to register the values. I agree this is not the expected behavior.

Samsung Developer Program