I made a backwards clock face to fit on a tablet to hang on the wall. I couldn’t find a battery powered clockwork that didn’t make noise. The physical wall clock I made was fine for the bathroom, but not a guest bedroom.
Did you make that Watchy Face . I was thinking of getting the kids to get me one for Christmas . The other on the Fit Bit . Is that SWATCH . BEAT TIME you are showing . It is called so many different things . Biel Mean Time being one of them .
So the Watchy has an e-ink screen. In general this means a charge lasts a week. Probably the best feature from my limited experience. I was using the suggested Arduino coding tool. I complained about the all code construction Google wants you to use, well this is certainly all code, but it was easy enough to comprehend and set up.
I took an existing sample Watchy face and put in my own bits of code to generate the Swatch type time. It turns out that system is pretty much French Revolutionary time. I decided not to use the Biel meridian, one of the things everyone complains about, and instead use UTC whenever I do this. I also found a different font and used an on-line tool to translate it to the hex code files for fonts the Watchy system uses.
Left to right - Swatch Skin Beat watch, Versa 3, Watchy, a mechanical watch that shows French Revolutionary time ( replicated in WFS and on Facer ), and WFS version on my Galaxy 4
The Watchy here has a metal case I bought as an extra. You can take what they send you and essentially be wearing a bare circuit board on your wrist.
OK . You are well into Decimal time . I did one On facer but I don’t see how @060 is 20:27 . I will have to look up Beat Time again . I missed your Facer one . I will have to go back and look . A few of the other guys mage them . I might make a collection . Thanks for the Watchy code . I knew that it was paper white and hope to have a play in the new year . I have spent a bit of time on Arduino with timing stuff .
2027 is local time. @060 is UTC. On 2024-02-25 UTC would be local time for me plus 5. Number of seconds since UTC 0000 divided by 86.4. So 1 hour 27 minutes, (3600 + 27*60)/86.4
The French Revolution hand is only good to the tens place given the size of the index. If you switch to the dim view it shows the decimal version.
Yeah Of course I got it . I like the way Swatch say the whole Internet is using Biel Mean time . But it is actually using the Unix Epoch Timer UTC . Any way . Well I know our watches are . Thanks again for your Arduino code . Very interesting . I will load that when I have found the LIBS and got my watch .