Orbital objects

I’ve started this thread in the wrong sub forum so here I am.

I did experiement with orbital objects using for placement :
xpos = 190 * cos((2 *3.141592 / 60) * [MIN] - (3.141592 / 2))
ypos = 190 * sin((2 *3.141592 / 60) * [MIN] - (3.141592 / 2))

I’ve added a hand to follow the objects, experimenting some hand off central placement related to the object for some orbital positions.

@russellcresser replied with
Because the Text positions is set from the bottom of the text . You have to offset for that in your Y orbit Formula

But text objects aren’t supposed be referenced by their central point ?
So, should I substract half of the text object hight ?

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You will notice with text there are two sizes . The PX size and the Text Bounding Box . You may actually be able to move the pivot point . So I can not say that the offset is half . My greater experiance is with Facer where it is .
I think there is something wrong with you Orbit Formulas I will look on my Laptop when I get a chance .
It will be very good if you can post a shot of your WIP then we can see what the radius of the Orbit is and the size of the Object / Text .
I presume you want to Orbit Text counting Minutes rotating in an hour round the Face .

Here is a test with orbiting HRS MIN SEC . You delete .ZIP and open the file in your WFS .


Here are screeshots.
As you can see, at times the orbiting text/ellipse are off center related to the hand. The obvious is 00:00:00 starting time and 01:00:xx.

Snap195 Snap196 Snap197

Snap198 Snap199 Snap200

I’m sure I have to experiment with the code and I hope it is achievable to make the minute orbital text to act as smoothly as the hour one, rather jumping from a minute to the next.

Maybe the use of something like the hour code :

120 * cos((2 * 3.141596 / 12) * ([HOUR_0_23] + [MIN]/ 60) - 3.141596 / 2)

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I have not yet worked out exactly what to tweak to get the Orbits lined up with the Hands . You want them Smooth yes . Not stepped . and you are not using seconds .
After you resized the hands did you re-center the pivot points ?
I wil gave to pick this up tomorrow .


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There are two things.

  • One is the font internal alignment (mostly vertically centered in the text field, but some are shifted), this is best inspected with grid turned on right after inserting the text it should be in the center of the screen in both directions.
  • other is the movement formula. If you want it to match smoothly moving hands, the tag for minutes should be [MIN_SEC] to get the decimal places between ticks.
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Thanks for that Peter . I put most of that in the yes above . I did not realise we can centre the pivot point on text in WFS . We can not on " Some Platforms ". Always appreciate you input . Thanks again .

@russellcresser Your formula is way more elegant than mine but I just don’t succeed (as I’m really not into math) in putting an offset for one element to another on the same orbital path : I have a step icon and I’d like to display underneath the steps count text instead of having one on top of the other.

I’ve succeed in setting orbital objects on different speed by modifying your formula, allowing for a less frozen group of objets orbiting in always the same related positions (even if I’m not sure to keep it that way as it appears more ‘chaotic’) but I can’t find the right tweaking to offset the text form it’s icon.

Snap195_2 Snap196_2 Snap197_2


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I think you should take a hint from our Maths Master , Peter . He contributes on this and Other Forums , Brilliant Maths . You should do your best to follow what he says .
When you place an object in WFS before you apply the Orbit formulas you will see a dot in the middle of the Bounding Box . I would personaly make the bounding box symmetric . like w 50 h 50 . Below that you will see some numbers for pivot point . I don’t know if you want to offset the Icon horizontal or vertically but you must play . You can have the pivot point outside the bounding box . So when you apply the Orbiting formulas to the X and u position you will see that the maths operates on the pivot point / centre you have set . I have not tested this but it sounds like a stroke of genius to me .
Have fun .

Sure I know that pivotal point but it only matters to rotate objects around that central axis and doesn’t relate to object placement.

In fact don’t mind about my stupid question : I just have to place the text object just where I need.
I don’t know why and what in the previous version made it stroll around the icon.

Thanks again for your time and the updated formula.

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