I have been trying to import my google play game into the samsung seller portal without much luck
I have followed the instructions given by Samsung, created the OAuth Client ID on Google, copied the ID and SECRET and pasted them into the relevant fields on the import field on samsung seller portal
The next screen i enter my google package name com.EXAMPLE.ExampleName (please note mine does contain uppercase and lowercase characters)
I hit search and i receive the message “Package Name is not valid. The package name was not found or it could not be loaded from Google play”
Has anyone else experienced this before and does anyone have any suggestions?
I asked the team we work with in the Seller Portal and they were not familiar with that issue and recommend you contact the Seller Portal support 1:1 Enquiry and they should be able to help you with this issue.
Opening a support request is not of much use, it ends in support telling me to get some screenshots of the process and open a new request (presumably because they don’t believe I followed the steps) and then continue to immediately close my request, while judging from this thread here, this isn’t an uncommon problem.
Also, I wonder why grabbing the metadata requires such a convoluted way to do. Other 3rd party stores are able to grab descriptions and screenshots without us giving roundabout access to our Google account.
The solution above wrote by @funnylabz woks fine only if I select less that 16 languages to import. More than this number, the circular progress bar stop without doing anything.
It appears that this is different for every one. Support should be able to help you on this. There are a few common reasons and if they don’t work they can help you with others.