I’m new to the Samsung universe and when I look at the Marketing section, I see Coupons and also Discount - A discount I’m familiar with, discount the price by such and such percentage for a given time period. But Coupons?
I’ve never tried them and wonder:
What is the best way to use them?
Are they more effective than a straight discount?
Thank you
Coupons to me have little effect. The coupon sites that you can promote and make your coupons available have a certain type of customer has most likely has never, and will never actually purchase a watch face. I have been also unable to even get a simple rating or god-forbid, a review from anyone with respect to offering a free coupon and simply suggesting that they would be doing me a solid by rating and reviewing in exchange. I also notice that although my coupon quota that I allocate is quickly snapped up on the coupon sites, it’s not actually reflected in my actual downloads. As an example, I could give out 200 coupons, they all get taken, but I only get like 80 actual downloads of my watch face. Where do all the other ones go? Are these people just grabbing coupons and then not even having the courtesy to use them??
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The big difference is that a discount can be any % up to 100%, while a coupon only allows a free download.
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Thanks that’s what I was afraid of. I can give apps away for free all day, which doesn’t help the bottom line.
I think it may help in terms of showing that your app has had some actual downloads. A potential customer might be wary to purchase a face that only has 1+, 5+, 10+ downloads but if they can see that it has 100+, 500+ that might instill some confidence in them.
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I haven’t always been a fan of that type of marketing. Didn’t have to use it in the Amazon store, but every store is different, so I think I’ll take one of my apps and try a limited coupon offering to see what if anything happens.