Request for answers

Hi everyone,

I’m currently a student working on an analysis of the costs involved in developing apps for Samsung TVs. I would appreciate your insights on a few questions:

  1. Development Time: How long does it typically take to develop an app for Samsung TV?
  2. Code Reusability: How much of the code can be reused when developing for different platforms?
  3. Deployment Time: What is the usual timeframe for deploying an app to the Samsung TV platform?
  4. Update Frequency and Costs: How often do you need to deploy updates, and what are the associated costs?
  5. Cost Estimation: Can we estimate the development costs for each platform, and what are the costs and time required for each update?


  • App Submission and Certification Costs: What are the costs involved in submitting and certifying an app on the Samsung TV platform?
  • Revenue Splits: How do revenue splits work across different platforms?

Any insights or experiences you can share would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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