I have a TicWatch Pro 5 with Wear OS 3.5.
I have started a personal watch face to wear at night that will show Digital Time and 2 editable circle bar complications so I can see my heart rate and blood O2 level at a glance without my glasses.
I Followed the instructions for CONNECTING my device to my computer/WFS and keep getting messages:
Failed to connect,
device not compatible
Any suggestions?
Did you use the instructions HERE
What version of WFS are you using? The older versions won’t work for Wear OS 3.5 connecting, and some instructions call for using BT and that isn’t possible anymore
WFS 1.5.7 is pretty straight forward you do that in the Run On Windows settings
On Watch click on settings then developer option
Turn on ADB debugging and ok that
scroll down to where it says WirelessDebugging tap on it
wait few minutes and
write down the IP address followed by :xxxxx the port number
Then click on Pair with new Device (apparently you have to do this ever day )
it will have a pairing code
followed by the IP port and a different port number
Run on Device
fill in the IP address in the top
Fill in the first port number when you first turned on ADB Wireless deguggin
Fill in the Pairing code
Fill in the last port number when you paired the device
it also asks if you wish to add this device the first time and you have to OK it.
Select Run on Device and add your IP address one time to the search using + icon
Select Run on Device
It will show no Devices found
again click on the + and click on the IP address to the run on Device at that time your watch will ask if you want to allow debugging. click yes If you don’t OK that in a 15 or so seconds it goes away and then doesn’t ask again unless you close and restart debugging
Your watch will show in the run on devices click on it.
If that doesn’t work there is a thread that has other options I can find that for you.
Samsung Developer Relations
I did all the steps that procedure says to do.
I never saw any NOTICE on the Watch. BUT, I wasn’t looking for one.
I will try again.
Another setting in Developer Options Vibrate on Connectivity Change turn that on. You’ll feel it when you connect and know when to look to ok it.
Samsung Developer Relations
Well… I got it on the watch. Even though I think I have it setup to be two half circles,
I have ended up with two full circles.
So, Back to the drawing board.
If you keep WFS open and your watch connected you won’t have the bug hassle next time.
I am completely baffled…
What I last saved and launched from WFS the top to be HR and the bottom to be BO2.
What I see in the Watch App editor.
What I see on the watch Face
Notice the tiny numbers. Upper on is HR and lower one is BO2.
Ok… I don’t think I ever got a NOTIFICATION on the Watch to give permission.
I do believe I am getting connected and the WFS File is getting on the Watch.
so the original question I had is solved.