Self-Taught Need Image Specs Please

Hi all,

I’m a self-taught designer, just started a few months ago and have a few themes and a watch face. Now, I want to create an AOD package but all I know about the required image is it should be 720x540… I created multiple images that size but it is the wrong resolution… can someone help? I know sometimes it needs 200dpi and sometimes it needs 72dpi, but neither of those have worked. I would appreciate any feedback and/or help.


Can you post the error message you get - I’ve never had an issue uploading an AOD no matter the resolution, as long as it’s 720x540.

Also check that its still the right size. I was creating images on my drawing tablet and then quick sending them to drive and it would send a preview image instead of the real one so even tho it was the right size in the drawing app when they sent it to drive it was wrong. I had to actually go into the image in the drawing app and single export them to drive to keep the right dimensions.