Hi. Currently, I’m just using the Watch 4 emulator, it’s not the same as using it and seeing the watch face running on the watch4.
I uploaded some watch faces on the Galaxy Store (apk) and I know it’s only for mainland China. I received feedback from some with errors and were rejected for errors that must be fixed (problem with pointers, commands…) However, some watch faces had been released. And today when I see my “seller page”, I saw that these released watch faces were suspended and I don’t know what the reason is, and clicking on “comment from review view” doesn’t describe even a reason and and I didn’t even receive a notice in my email… Did it happen to anyone else? Copyright issues I know it’s not because I respect it too much.
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Nobody sent watch faces in apk for Galaxy Watch 4 on Galaxy Store to be sold in China?
You should open a 1:1 Enquiry in the seller portal
I sent you a private message, Can you send me the content ID for the GW4 watch faces that were suspended. I can look into it. Don’t post the content ID here.
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