Hello the default sweet is 15hz…set to 10hz u will see it the same! Tested and proven
Default sweep properties: (15hz or 10hz?)
How you did ccw or default sweep properties, its grey out if u use sweep
U seeing what u have is because u didnt change it the default sweep to 10hz sweep
The orignal video i suppest is 15hz…u not comparing apple to apple bro
Or the brackets are wrong put so the floor didnt work. I make that mistake to at first
So if juddering its not that there a bug its just that you cannot do anything higher then 10hz with tags.
And its because of samsung feels then higher then 10hz for tags…cause batt drain
Without floor (jumpy tag thats why flashing effect)
With my formula (same as 10hz default sweep that one you see a single hand)
Maybe u dont understand what is 10hz and 15hz mean?
10hz means 10 fps (or 10 different rotations per sec)
15hz means 15 fps
(or 15 different rotations per sec)
Basically more fps the smoother…