Theme portfolio rejection

This time i send two designs but again my theme portfolio rejected. Please someone help me to find out mistakes in my designs. THEME PORFOLIO CUTE RABBIT IN THE HOUSE.pdf (1.3 MB)THEME PORFOLIO UNDER SEA WATE R WORLD .pdf (1.3 MB)

I think everything looks great …
Your work is similar to what is already in store in abundance.
In fact, there is no necessary recipe to advise you, but try to surprise them with the extraordinary design of your themes.
Suggest more than two versions of themes and attach more drawings.

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Email them and ask what you could do better, or change. They may provide more info, plus it shows you are really interested in the program, so can’t hurt.

I like both and you’ve put effort into designs and icons, but as AP says, overall not very unique

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Thank you for reply. How to contact them?

Thank you for reply. Is it rquire to draw more versions of same theme or submit more than 4 unique designs?

It’s more difficult to qualify now than it was before.
About six unique theme designs are recommended.
Create a large portfolio.
You must understand that they want to add variety to the theme store. To conclude an agreement with them, your design should be almost unique.
Having your other drawings (not related to themes) will show your potential as an artist and designer.