I use the [tz_abb] tag to display time zone abbreviation. But it displays “CST” even though we’re currently in Daylight Savings Time. I want to display “CDT”. How do I do that?
Are you seeing this on your watch in the Runtime Preview with WFS? The display in WFS is not always what you see on your mobile they are just exemplars not real data.
If it is what shows on the watch then there may be an issue.
Samsung Developer Relations
it shows on WFS preview AND on the watch
As a work around I created a text box that just says DST and used the [IS_DST] tag to make the text box appear when it’s daylight savings time and invisible when it’s standard time. I then created another text box that uses the [TMZN_ID] tag to display the time zone name. The only draw back to that is it uses for example: “America/Chicago” instead of just “Cental Time” or something along that line. It’s not exactly what I want but the best I could come up with. Just wish the [TMZN_ABB] tag would return “CST” or “CDT” depending on whether or not we are in Daylight Saving Time.
This information is gotten from a world standard library and when I try to find a list of time zones I can’t find the Daylight Savings time one.
I think your way is the best way to do what you want.
Samsung Developer Relations
I did one even better yet. I created 2 text boxes for each time zone in the U.S. since I travel every now and then. For my example I’ll use central time. One text box says “Central Standard Time” and one says “Central Daylight Savings Time”. Each of these are not visible unless EACH of the following conditions are true. The [TMZN_OFS] tag (which returns the number of time zones away from UTC) must return a -6 (central is 6 hours behind UTC) AND the [IS_DST] tag (which returns a 1 if in Daylight Savings Time and a 0 if in Standard Time) a 0. So the ONLY time the “Central Standard Time” text box is visible is when the tags return a -6 AND a 0. The ONLY time the “Central Daylight Savings Time” text box is visible is when the tags return a -6 AND a 1. I’m obviously not going to make text boxes for EVERY time zone in the world. LOL