I need to know what should I do, I have a problem that is after the installation of tizen studio a window pops up saying: Failed to execute runnable (org.eclipse.swt.SWTError:No more handles), please anyone can help me with that. Thanks.
If you are on Windows
I think, but I’m not sure, that this happens when you have a version of Java JRE installed already. The newer versions of Tizen Studio do not require Java JRE. So if you have Java in the path or JAVA_HOME in the variables it causes errors.
If you have Java JDK or JRE installed and do not need it for something else then uninstall it and try to install Tizen Studio again.
If you are on a Mac then let me know there are other issues in installing on Mac that could be a reason for this.
Samsung Developer Relations
first of all thanks for your help, but unfortunately, after I uninstalled the Java JDK and tried to install the tizen studio again, the same message popped out again. Do you have any other suggestions?
Open Command Prompt
Mine has these components in the path
You may want to uninstall Tizen Studio and download again. That is my only other idea if the JDK is in the path.
If it is neither of those two create a support request and our support will work with the Tizen team do see if they have a solution.
Samsung Developer Relations