For example you place there text field layer for each quote you plan to have there. Then write the conditions in the opacity field. For example ([MIN]>11)*([MIN]<18)?100:0 for the text “quarter to [HOUR]” will make it 100% opaque each hour from 12th to 17th minute. It should be possible to insert the conditionals directly in the text, but somehow I cant manage it to work right.
Ok thanks Peter. Do you mind checking if that’s just a bug, or if conditionals are purposely not allowed in text? This might be a feature request… I’d far rather write one script then a couple hundred.
Also, my earlier example had a typo… I’m trying to do “quarter to five” not “5”. 288+ text blocks, here i come!
This returns
Time is Less for first quarter hour and Time is More for the next 45 mins it is the text is in quotes Time is ([MIN] <15 ? "Less" : "More")