Hello! I want to creat a game for galaxy watch which uses buzel. I use unity, but i don’t know how to get buzel data:/
I never used unity and I dont know anything about it, but in case it helps:
On regular application bezel data is retrieved using “onGenericMotionEvent”.
the following dependency is required:
compileOnly 'com.google.android.wearable:wearable:2.9.0'
a sample code for the “onGenericMotionEvent”
if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL && RotaryEncoderHelper.isFromRotaryEncoder(event)) {
RotaryEncoderHelper.getRotaryAxisValue(event); //If I'm not wrong 1 is CW and -1 CCW
I recommend for you to ask this question on stackoverflow, even though dev community for wear os is “weak”
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Thanks! I’ve been dealing with writing plugins for unity on java all day and finally everything worked!
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