Watch Sensors

Why can apps like Facer and Watchmaker have access to watch sensors and Watchface Studio can’t? Also display distance walked and other values?



Why can apps like Facer and Watchmaker have access to watch sensors and Watchface Studio can’t?

They do have some standalone watch faces but generally they have a companion app on the mobile device that runs them. Watch Face Studio is a design tool and not meant to be used for Development. you can use Android Studio to access all the Watch Sensors and Design watch faces but like the 3rd party devices it is not as easy to use as WFS.

Also display distance walked and other values?

They may also have access to Samsung Health as a Health Partner or use Health Connect for some data. Watch Face Studio 1.4.x release will have more of that once Wear 4 is released. But there is a common formula to give a rough estimate of distance
see this thread it has links to other threads such as walking distance and changing from Kilometers to Miles etc.

Samsung Developer Relations

Thank you for yor response. It was better when Samsung UI was used.