I searched the url to attach my attempt but i couldent find it …could you help me?
any help please …
Which want you add? For apply a Theme Designer?
thank you …finally some one replay
yes I want to be a theme designer and sell my designs…i know there is a period of time that windows open to apply and close …and it will open in april again but where should I send my designs when it open ?that’s my question …
There will be a box for Request Access or something like that in the Themes portal when it is open time. You click that to fill in a form and submit your portfolio. There is a box to attach files or you can load them to dropbox, google drive, etc. and share the URL
Read Tony Morelan’s blog on How to become a Samsung Mobile Themes Designer and start preparing now. The quality of work required to be Theme designer is not something that you can just do in an hour or two. You need specifics items and design quality.
Samsung Developer Program
yes that’s what I expect and I working now … thank you very much