A few questions about becoming a theme dev

Hi guys,

For the last few years I’ve been designing computer graphics as a hobby. About 4 months ago I got a galaxy s10 and realised how well my art works as wallpapers. After some research i realised I could make a job out of my hobby if i really focused and put the effort in.

I applied to become a theme partner in November but got rejected due to not submitting a portfolio. oops.

I have since spent the last few months studying photoshop and reviewing other peoples work to get an idea of what makes a theme look good.

I have managed to complete my first mock-up theme with custom icons, wallpaper, text and fonts.

What do you guys think?

Also, is it true that applicants from Europe are no longer getting accepted? (Could be false)

See my mock-up theme and examples of my wallpapers here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t0d0lkewct12ejq/AADSNgMuoC6q7TVYAw2vRgVva?dl=0

Also check my Instagram to get a better understanding of my art style. https://www.instagram.com/dylahex/

thank you!

Sorry this is a bit long but here is what you need to know about being a Theme designer and the process. There are specific resources you must include and there is a specific timeline for submission and it starts next week then doesn’t come again for 2 months.

Besides what is below we have a couple blogs on being a Theme developer/designer and you should read those.

Thanks for reaching out and showing interest in Samsung Theme Editor. Samsung Android Theme Editor is available to approved Theme partners. Please refer to below steps that you can follow to apply for access.

Samsung Theme Editor Request Process:

• Register Samsung Account
Sign up for a Samsung account, if you do not already have one.

• Create design portfolio
Download the design template PSD from Theme_Design_Submission_Template.zip and submit below 6 screens. Providing 2-3 different theme concept will greatly impact approval odds.

1- Lock Screen.
2- Home Screen.
3- Dial Pad Screen.
4- Contacts Screen.
5- Messages Screen.
6- Notification Screen.

Apply Partnership Request (The next application cycle begins on February 19th)
Complete required information and submit to the Request page.

• Review
After successful submission your portfolio will be reviewed and status will be communicated though email.

• Make Your Own Theme!
Develop a theme using Theme Editor and register it in the Theme Store.

Also refer to below link for checking out our few award winning and trending themes.

Application review process generally takes around 4 weeks.

Thank you,
Samsung Developer Program Team

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Thank you for the quick reply.

Is it true that applicants from Europe are no longer being accepted? Someone mentioned it on another website and i’m not sure whether to believe it or not.

If so, that would void me from being able to apply.

Thank you.

Not that I am aware of. It may be more difficult in other countries and I think the requests have to be in either English or Korean but I haven’t heard of any other restrictions. I’ll check and if I’m wrong post an update.

Samsung Developer Program

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Thank you!

I’ll continue to build my portfolio in preparation for the application date.

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Thanks for this information. I downloaded the Submission Template.zip but there is no information on the software to edit it because we don’t get access to the Theme Editor until we have be accepted. So how to we do a mockup without the Theme editor

You can use Photoshop or GIMP or some other professional designer tool. GIMP is free but a bit complicated to use compared to Photoshop but Photoshop usually has a free trial period.

Samsung Developer Program

When is the next window to apply for theme designer? thank you.

April 15- April 29

Samsung Developer Program