Wrong background image for 'Add to wallet' button on web

I’m trying to show ‘Add to wallet’ button on the web with buttonType: 'btnATSW', but the background image for the button is the one corresponding to buttonType: 'btnSW'.

Here is a working demo: https://sergey-hippo.github.io. The source code for the demo is here.

I have guess why this is happening: in the source code for wallet-card.js we have this:

    window.process = {
        env: {
            CMN_API_EXPOSURE_MODEL: "https://api-___1___3.mpay.samsung.com/wallet/cmn/v2.0/device/available",
            ADD_TO_WALLET_LINK: "https://api-card.walletsvc.samsung.com/wlt/Aqz68EBXSx6Mv9jsaZxzaA/___1___#Clip?cdata=___2___",
            SW_DARK_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnSW/wallet-card-dark.png",
            SW_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnSW/wallet-card.png",
            SW_VER_DARK_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnSW/wallet-card-ver-dark.png",
            SW_VER_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnSW/wallet-card-ver.png",
            ATSW_DARK_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnATSW/add-to-samsung-wallet_dark____1___.png",
            ATSW_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnATSW/add-to-samsung-wallet____1___.png",
            ATSW_VER_DARK_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnATSW/add-to-samsung-wallet_dark_ver____1___.png",
            ATSW_VER_SRC: "https://us-cdn-gpp.mcsvc.samsung.com/lib/image/btnATSW/add-to-samsung-wallet_ver____1___.png"

Urls for ATSW_DARK_SRC, ATSW_DARK_SRC, ATSW_DARK_SRC and ATSW_DARK_SRC are all broken, could it be the reason?

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Regarding image URLs inside the bundle: that was a false alarm. ___1___ should be replaced with local, like en-us and URL becomes valid. But it still doesn’t explain why buttonType property is not working as documented.

Can you please show us the current behaviour and the expected behaviour? Any screenshot will be helpful.

Here you can see not just a screenshot, but a working demo with source code.

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We have checked the issue you have mentioned. We will check with the relevant team and let you know.

The issue has been fixed and we hope the fix will applied within the next week.

Thank you! Will test once it’s publicly released.