Android 12 issues are still present

4 themes rejected, all with the same issues, using GTS 12.0.15w.3


And here… the clock style is different. I have no idea how I managed this, I haven’t changed the initial screenshots…

I’ve received the date rejection too, just nuts!!

15w.4 just came out, try that and resubmit, nothing else you can do. As with any new android update version there are a ton of bugs which will take a while to fix :frowning:

It"s a shame we can’t create A10 themes any more, they need to make the tool support -2 themes!

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It is shameful this reckless and careless way of releasing major incomplete and bug-filled GTS updates without any consideration for buyers and sellers, rushing us by email, coercively, through this new methodology of trial and error attempts, and plunging us into a total chaos of failed re-releases, is downright shameful. And at the same time taking away our ability to continue releasing stable and bugs-free themes for Android 10! -Which many users still use and buy! Disappointing. This portrays a lazy, unthrifty and unprofessional work culture.

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I cannot understand why the annual errors associated with the transition to a new system do not teach the Studio developers anything? Why don’t they want to start beta testing before the release of a new tool, and not break what worked great? Why does it take a week or more to fix errors in Studio?
These questions are rhetorical, no one will answer them, since there is no feedback from the developers.
I am deeply saddened by Samsung’s attitude to these problems, it is a bad business model that brings losses to everyone.

The Issues are so simple to fix. If they want it need a few hours to fix them all and fast. Only wrong linked colors, more not.

I never understand this. I had reported a lot of bugs since release of gts 12.0.15w1 and still waiting for fixes. I got the Message, that they investigate the issues and wrong previews

Why they need so long? They don’t believe it? Every year the same;(

and that although the Thenes don’t even have to be updated , if they kept the same color strings, this is possible

I think that we’re the testers here, we, and the actual testing team who’s responsible for testing and approving our themes. It’s annoying, I know, I was just recently approved as a designer, and I cannot upload anything. But let’s just not forget that this is still a great opportunity. So, let’s upload the issues, and be patient, be part of the solution. It’s in everyone’s best interest.

You can upload Android 11 themes no problem

New Issue present on BUKA Firmware

I had 2 themes rejected today, both for the same reason as in the left example posted by Alexander, GTS 12.0.15w.6, Android 12.