Bad Galaxy Themes Support, Themes still rejected

I got around 37 Rejections due these Issue today again, 3 months!!! And they still unable to fix it! What the hell.

That was the answer from the Support at 9 th Febuary. Today rejected again! i feel lied to
"Therefore, if you re-export the APK file from the latest Themes studio (12.0.30w.1) and register it , all of these issues will be passed without any further rejection.


I’m getting the same rejections too, it is extremely frustrating. I resubmit without changes but this is way out of control.

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Every Year the same, after 3 months of release one 4, they still unable to fix the issues…l

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And again, still rejected. Yes, the Support answer was lie!
Here is the Screenshot of there answer!

These Issues known since 3 Months, still rejecting!!! It sucks!

@r.liechty_SDR Can you maybe help us? The Support wrote they will pass after 8th February and Review Team still rejecting. We feel lied :frowning:

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I had one theme with 6 “old” rejections and submitted a question to the portal. After 1 week no response, so I’ve just resubmitted with no changes.

And yet, I had 17 themes approved yesterday… I lucked out with a good tester LOL

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I assume you did rebuild the theme with the Theme Studio version 12.0.30w.1. Did you create a new project or just rebuild the same one?

All I can do is contact PSS and obviously they are aware of this if they are responding to you.

BTW I can see the issue in one of my Themes where the text box characters do not show; as a User it is very frustrating. I love the theme but so I put up with it but it is frustrating.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Thanks @r.liechty_SDP for you answer.

GTS 12.0.30w1 was faulty, Quicl Panel Colors not applied, since 3 weeks are GTS 12.0.30w2 are out.

Yes, we re-exported the Themes, also new Projects, in Total 37 Themes are still rejeced due the Issue.

The Issues is easy to fix, its 4 Strings needs to be add to GTS or link with action bar title color in the Calendar App, the Status Bar Icons needs only change a bool to true or false.

Unfortunately the PSS is really slow in answering :worried: i takes 2minutes to add it to the GTS :roll_eyes:

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I have heard that before. :frowning: The person I used to go to for Theme Support is no longer in that role, but I can reach out to him to see if he has any contact in PSS.

Samsung Developer Relations

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@r.liechty_SDR that would be great. Thanks very much

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We go through this unproductive process with every new Android OS each year. Frustration is one thing, but more importantly the unproductive process eats up time on both sides, developers and Samsung. Time could have used on producing new contents instead of going through endless resubmission over issues that are out of control of developers. I hope Samsung will do something about this whole process.


I’m receiving the same rejections, and it’s driving me crazy. I resubmit without making any adjustments, yet this is out of hand :slight_smile:

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What I’ve been trying to do to reduce the amount of theme rejections is this step by step:

I submit the theme for approval a first time, already “expecting it to be rejected” (ridiculous, I know). Then, obviously the theme returns rejected. So I resubmit the same apk, pointing out that the error cannot be fixed with GTS ( And with me it’s always an issue with the GPS, Map Check indicator bar), then I add the link to the validation list created by Alexander and a pdf of the same validation list.

Approvals have only happened with this step by step. It’s annoying, tedious, and time-consuming, but it’s helped to reduce repetitive rejections.

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The problem with this method is that most of the time, the testers do not read the validation comments. For example, you can tell them that Fold binaries have been removed and to not test on the Fold devices, but they still do, and reject.

Also, even though you include a link to Alex’s PDF, I doubt the testers would be allowed to access external web sites, or be allowed to read 3rd party comments from the web - any IT organization has these rules to prevent virus risks.

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I only know that I include a large number of comments (tired of some inexplicable rejections…), even if the testers doens’t read. About colors, fold devices removed, clock icon (so many themes were rejected solely because of this icon…). It’s crazy…

And yes, you are correct, IT organization has lots of rules to prevent virus risks. But I have added both PDF file and link anyway. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but after including both the link and the PDF, the approvals improved and the frequency of rejections in the themes reduced considerably. Whatever it is (Maybe it’s just some crazy coincidence), the process remains sufferable and slow due to so many unnecessary resubmissions…


I agree, the number and type of rejections is maddening, because we can’t fix them. Approvals have increased because the testers were finally told to not reject for those known issues.