AVPlay widevine drm on tizen 2.4-4

i want to launch widevine drm video on tizen 2.4 and 4.0 but i do not understand how i must provide my widevine server to avplay.setDrm method ?
im doing this on tizen 5.0

const properties = {
DeleteLicenseAfterUse: true,
LicenseServer: licenseServer, // server url ex: “https://my.widevive.com/proxy
webapis.avplay.setDrm(“WIDEVINE_CDM”, “SetProperties”, JSON.stringify(properties));

but tizen 2.4 and tizen 4.0 does not support “SetProperties”
I looked into the docs and saw this

var DrmParam = {};
// Sample session value; App must set there own session id.
DrmParam.AppSession = “test-session”;
DrmParam.DataType = “MPEG-DASH”;
// Before Tizen version 5.0
webapis.avplay.setDrm(“WIDEVINE_CDM”, “Initialize”, “”);
webapis.avplay.setDrm(“WIDEVINE_CDM”, “widevine_app_session”, DrmParam.AppSession);
webapis.avplay.setDrm(“WIDEVINE_CDM”, “widevine_data_type”, DrmParam.DataType);

so i dont see how i must provide server url to get the data from ondrmevent ?


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avplay widevine uses event ondrmevent

i have full working code in github