Button and image

Hello to all
sorry for my bad english but I need your help.
I can’t understand how to make small buttons to change the background, index etc.
I need tap in a small area to change the background and tap (or double tap) in other small area to change, ex., index color
can you tell me please how to do this? thank you

Look at this tutorial.
If you would want to make changeable layers that are completely overlapping each other (like separately indexes and separately backgrounds and separately numbers),
that is not possible with current version of GWD.


If your face isn’t too complicated, the easiest thing to do is place a transparent image over the image and make the transparent image a button.

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For each button? Or just one is possible?
Thank’s for your reply

Oh no!
Alternative? Only Tizen studio?
Thank you for reply

Peter, you’re fantastic!!
I try with GWD 1.6.2

Grazieeeeee (i’m italian :slight_smile: )

When you do, understand that GWD 1.6.2 uses the 32 bit Java SE and you will need to install it and set it for GWD there are instructions in the GWD FAQ. also you can’t have multiple versions of GWD installed.

There is a new release of GWD coming soon. I don’t know what is in it yet but doubt the option to move and tag are allowed but you might want to wait.

Samsung Developer Program

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If the new release brings the user defined tags, we wont need to separate touch and display area so much. We will trigger opacity of different layers with independent button. But if or when such one comes is also uncertain.

Thank’s for your replay.
I do it

Teach me … Please. This has been bugging me for ages. :slightly_smiling_face:

You need to use an obsolete version of GWD that runs 16 bit Java and is an incompatible format with newer versions of GWD/GWS.

Search the forum it probably is here somewhere.

Samsung Developer Program

I’ve got the older version running, it’s the 1.6.2 that was refered to in this post.
I was just curious about how to place an image on one spot and display in another.

It looks like the link is to the older forum that has been closed and I never wrote Peter’s method down.

I hope someone else can help,

Samsung Developer Program

Thanks for the reply Ron

Sorry for late reply. If you are still around, check this tread, the principle for hands can be applied even for other elements.