Button to turn visibility on/off?

Hi there! I’m a newb and I’d like to ask a (simple?) question. Is there a way how to use a button to show/hide a group of other elements? Imagine something like an “info” screen to be turned on/off.
Thank you!

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Welcome @unions8 You can only set an image to Active and when tapped swap it for another or an invisible one . The tap area is the size of the Image as a Square . I can show you an example or some doe which ever you prefer .

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Thank you. This is what I was afraid of :smiley:
I found this: WatchFace.TapListener  |  Android Developers
Does it mean, we could alter the code of the Watch Face Studio somehow, or it’s a complete nonsense? As I said, I was a newbie, and my questions might sound silly…

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Dear @unions8 . If you look at the top of the Page from that link you posted . Up top Right you will see it is code for Android Studios . In Android studios everything is Typed . It is Not a Visual Studio IDE . You may want to go there some day . For now you stick with WFS and get what help you can from here . There are some restrictions when using WFS but some other Platforms have more . One of the things that stands out on WFS Faces is Curved Text and Arc Progress bars with Radius Ends .

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