Switch between two layers with a tap?

Hello, I have two WFS faces - they are identical except that one has a Bitmapped font showing the weather and the other has a Bitmapped font showing the moon phases with age and %illumination. Is there any way to have this feature on one face, i.e. tap the weather and the moon phases show up? Tap the moon phases and return to the weather?
Edit: Sorry folks - intended to include both files so someone smarter than I could look at them. Ideas are welcome. Thank you.
Sky_Blue_Themes_Day Weather.zip (3.3 MB)
Sky_Blue_Themes_V5_New.zip (7.1 MB)

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If I am not mistaken in WFS with the Action > Interaction set to “Tap” there are only the 2 choices

1 Open App
2 Change Media

I picked this up earlier from @Peter

I use the Tap > Change Media frequently on my faces to “hide” parts I display on the face

i.e. I may include Week of Year and Day of Year but if a user doesn’t want that clutter on the face i have and image that covers that area

I set it with a transparent image, then change it with something the same color as the background.

I hope this makes some sense?

If you find a solution keep me posted


Thanks for your reply, Graham. I don’t see “Change Media” as an option. Mine says Open App and offers a list. One item on that list is is “Custom.” It seems like that would work if I knew what to put in there to have the Moon group appear and the Weather group disappear and/or vice versa. I hope I’m making sense.

Purrstachio2Cat (Meow)

unless you working image only then the change media option will be available.

Another method is to use masking to swap.
And your mask is the one u tap

Read this two threads to get the idea and limitation

Thanks - this is amazing, but, I think this might be way above my pay grade. My “images” are actually groups and WFS doesn’t want to mask groups. Masking the individual pieces would be a mess. I guess I’ll wait for a Boolean solution. Fitface had one, so it is possible - it will get here eventually.

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I was making a Test with no Luck . I will carry on but it will have to be later . I can dismiss the weather Icons with a tap . But sadly we can not Nest Image Taps.


Right, it seems. I tried @Knightwing’s method with no luck. I think it’s because my “images” are really groups and that just doesn’t do in WFS at the moment. Maybe next update around. :grinning:


OK . I am looking at images as font . With no luck . I am certain if it was possible we would know about it .

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Masking works only per elements doesnt work with groups

Meaning u need to do masking individually

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Hi its called bitmap font. And if you using font types = one text box?

U can mask that text box…
But the mask may not be tapable

@Purrstachio2Cat If you want to do image swapping with groups.
Only way is via styles not tap

In styles method like my example u need to do for individual image…then merge later.

This will work if u willing to forgo tap to change.


This would be such a great feature though, Samsung!

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You can swap them by time, lets say each two seconds, It would be enough if they finally introduced tap related tags, that way much more could be achieved than just some swapping.

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